"Just gather the colors of the rainbow." photo: my sons in Hawaii.
I've talked to a few writers who were very impressed with my editing/re-vision process. I don't know that it's all that impressive. I think everyone has a similar system. I just employ a few juvenile elements to it and that makes it work for me. So, the first step is to go down to my local office supply store.
Here's my list:
7 Folders - the kind with a pocket on each side and three bendy things for hole-punched papers in the middle. See below for colors*
14 to 21 Paper Clips - the large colored kind that will hold 50 or so pages comfortably, and the small kind that will hold say, 20 pages. See below for colors*
7 Highlighters - smallish, so they can easily highlight just a few letters or sentences, without overlap. See below for colors*
7 Pens - ball point. See below for colors*
OK--so by now, you're probably thinking, what the heck is it with the colors. So here you go; you will need all items in the colors of the rainbow.
There is one tiny glitch though. Even though red is a color of the rainbow, I get pink instead and call it red. I don't know. Well, I do. I just don't like to see red on the white page.
So, now that we have all our supplies, it's time to print out your first version of your book. C'mon...you can do it. I will too. More next time.
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