Hi Friends- It's the first day of a new month (October-in case you didn't know). And time to set my monthly goals. Over at Absolute Write, there is a thread for freelancing goals each month. I don't know why it wor
ks for me, but it does. I mean, how can complete strangers motivate me? How can I be propelled forward, writing and submitting more, just because I know I can go brag about it on the thread? It makes no sense. I could do the same with my family or my friends, people I have actually seen in real-live flesh-and-blood.
Maybe it's the writer thing. You know, we writers tend to think alike. It would take volumes for me to explain myself and my writerly experiences with my family, but with writers, it takes just a few sentences. So each month I post goals to complete strangers and I work hard to meet those goals. And it works. Why?
I don't have a clue. Any ideas?
Write Now,
I think you're right that it's easier to share writing goals with other writers than with family and friends. Our loved ones may wish us well, but they don't really understand what we do. :-)
So true...so true!
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