Friday, December 24, 2010

Photo Friday - Stress Mix

Some call it trail mix. Some call it Chex mix. In my family, we call it Stress Mix. When I was working on my master's thesis, my sister's friend, a caterer, made a batch of Stress Mix and gave it to me in two big Ziplock bags. And I was hooked. I nibbled on it as I worked, and I give sole credit to the Stress Mix for getting me through my master's work despite having a full-time teaching job, a husband, two children, and one on the way, and of course-many domestic responsibilities.

So, with my book now under contract and editing in full-swing, why would I abandon my beloved Stress Mix now? I have tweaked the recipe over the years and now have it down to a six-minute process (minus baking time). So, if you see me looking like I am far too relaxed to be working very hard -- you'll know. I've just eaten a bowl of Stress Mix.

Do you have a vise? Do share!

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