Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Contract Reaction

I have a busy life, OK - well, that's my excuse for now anyway. I got my first ever book contract yesterday and it took until evening before I opened it. I'm not sure why. I mean, I knew it was there for a few hours before I opened it. I was waiting for the perfect moment, I suppose. I don't think there's a perfect moment for things like this. I'd reveiwed the emailed version previous to this, so I wasn't expecting anything to surprise me really. Still, I should have ripped into that baby, right?

"This is it," I said to my husband and teenage son. "I'm opening my contract."

They glanced at me. I wasn't disappointed at their reaction though. Heck, I didn't know how to react so how in the heck could I judge their reaction?

I finally, very carefully and slowly tore off the FedEx strip from the top of the envelope. I took it out.

I had already reviewed the emailed version but this contract was shiny and new and pretty and symetrical. And STAPLED! Okay...random thoughts, I know. I have given up trying to figure out my reaction to this dream-come-true. My reactions make no sense; "I" make no sense. I read the cover letter, and then glanced at the first page. I looked up to see that my guys' eyes were glued to the T.V. again; the Boise State football game was on.

And the next thing I did, baffled even me!

I put the pretty contract back in the cardboard envelope and put it away. The end.

I do not understand my reactions to this whole thing. My friend, Chris says that I am in denial. Maybe so.

Anybody else want to analyze me? I think I need a therapist!


Leigh Russell said...

When my publisher handed me a contract she said 'You'll want to show this to a lawyer or to the Society of Authors or the Writers Guild'. That was when I decided to work with this publisher. I now have an agent to take care of paperwork, but if you don't have an agent don't sign a contract without taking expert advice. That's my inexpert advice!

Karen Fisher-Alaniz said...

Thanks, Leigh!