Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Great News!

My name is in print! I am beyond excited. In the mail today was a copy of Bleech magazine And in the magazine is my article, "Take Back the Night." It's the very first time my name has appeared in a print magazine. I suppose I should play it cool in case an editor or publisher reads this, but I'm too excited to pretend! And maybe it's good for an editor or publisher to know what this means to a writer!

The article is one that I really believed in, and not just the writing itself but the idea. When my daughter was in high school I made a deal with her. If she didn't get invited to a dance, then I'd let her have a girls-only party at our house for her and her girlfriends. This article is an extension of that idea.

And this is a milestone for me too. It just feels right all the way around.



Ann (bunnygirl) said...

How exciting for you! Congratulations!

Nita said...

It is so cool. Watching you find an idea, a market, sending out the query, getting the go-ahead, and then getting the article published. Yay for you. May you see your byline many more times.

Karen Fisher-Alaniz said...

Thanks you two!


Eileen said...

Oh boy! Thank you Karen for sharing the news! I tried loading the Bleech site, seemed a bit huge for my internet capabilities so will try again later. Looks like an interesting magazine. Celebrate today, huh? =) And your topic sounds really neat!!! EE


Virginia Lee said...

Woohoo! That's fantastic! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

You're entitled to be excited. Congratulations!

Cate Gardner said...


Karen Fisher-Alaniz said...

Thanks everyone. You guys rock! If small dreams can come true, then so can big dreams, right! Onward!

Karen said...

I see your posted and article about Great news and linked to a magazine site. I visited it but I am not happy. can you tell me your mission please? said...

Hi I am a little Experienced writer. I just read the article and get your suggession, this is really good thinking for a writer. I will follow it thanks.

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